The human body is not a static object. We can’t be without movement – prolonged forced inactivity provokes the occurrence of bedsores, obesity and other ailments. Dynamics, on the contrary, gives us joy: the body begins to produce endorphins, and new bright colors appear in life. The main thing here is to determine for yourself the most comfortable type of movement.
Yoga classes. Our body really needs stretching, this is evidenced by involuntary sipping after sleep. Performing various asanas, a person learns to listen to his body, control his thoughts, and recognize his true desires.
Dancing. Free dance movements to your favorite tracks help relieve accumulated stress and help you better understand yourself. Dance movement therapy (TDT) is one of the areas of psychology, which is aimed at restoring the connection of the body with consciousness and eliminating bodily clamps.
Fitness. Strength training to the rhythmic sounds of music is the perfect way to feel like a strong living person, confident in your own abilities. Each session improves mood and boosts self-esteem.
Swimming. Water is a great danger because it has a very great power, but if a person keeps well on the water, he has a feeling of control. When there is no soil under our feet, we begin to control our own body at 100%. This is what gives us great pleasure.
Trampoline jumping. What kid doesn’t love to jump? They even hop around. With the help of a trampoline, we return to emotions from childhood and begin to rejoice like children.
Roller skating and ice skating. This activity gives us the feeling of flying. Try it, scary only at first, then – cool!
Run. Many people claim that they do not like to run because it is hard, causes shortness of breath and quickly fatigues. However, over time, regular jogging accustoms the lungs and cardiovascular system to stress, we “sit down”, and our body begins to like it.